The speakers - MP Nadine Dorries joins Central Beds & Town Councillors to discuss the proposed new development. 3238 views
Number 4
ADAG meeting - questions & answers
Questions from the audience regarding the proposed new development in Ampthill. 3284 views
Number 59
Zonita Cinema Relaunch
The original Zonita shut in 1960 but it has now been resurrected in the Parkside Hall. 3628 views
Number 167
Ampthill Calendar Girls
A daring group of Mums produce a tasteful nude calendar to raise funds for the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust 5721 views
Number 172
Christmas Park and Ride 2011
The Council provided a Christmas Park and Ride to cut congestion around Waitrose. How did it all go? See news story 2264 views
Number 182
Tattoo Studio Controversy
A tattoo studio has opened in Ampthill and has been subjected to a hate campaign 7245 views
Number 188
Mobile CCTV Units
Mobile CCTV units are targeting parking in Ampthill. What effect are they having on trade in Church St? 2974 views
Number 255
Dexter Cattle re-introduced into Park
Ampthill Park Development Manager Gary Quilter explains the reasons behind the re-introduction. 3645 views
Number 259
'The Boy Friend' at the Parkside Hall
With performances on 14th & 15th April, ATV attends a rehearsal of The Boy Friend. 3241 views
Number 261
The Albion receives CAMRA award
The Albion has been voted "Bedfordshire Pub of the Year". CAMRA present the award to Landlord Russell Fletcher. 2578 views
Number 263
Totally Locally
On 29th April, Ampthill businesses launched their Totally Locally campaign to encourage local spending. 3112 views
Number 264
Ampthill Bootcamp
A fitness & weightloss bootcamp is in Ampthill. Ampthill TV paid it a visit. 2972 views
Number 268
Calendar Girl's Presentation Evening
The Ampthill Calendar Girls present a cheque for £13,200 to their Brain Tumour charity. 3921 views
Number 271
13th Three Legged Race
Join in the fun of the 13th Three Legged Beer Race which this year raised nearly £3,000 for charity. 4699 views
Number 272
Tattoo '13' Charity Fundraiser
Ampthill Tattoo Studio raises £900 for cancer charity & Chris Hayes gets his first tattoo. 3013 views
Number 273
Ampthill's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
A 40 min video showing the highlights of the celebrations in Ampthill Park. The parade, music & 10 min fireworks display 3222 views
Number 275
'The Wiz' - 3D Youth Theatre Production
ATV pops into the dress rehearsal of The Wiz at the Parkside Hall. 3269 views
Number 284
Ampthill Calendar Boys
Are you a hunk? Fancy being a nude model in a charity calendar? It's all done in the best possible taste! 6038 views
Number 298
Lap Dancing Club Protest
500 residents assemble on the Market Square to protest against the new lapdancing club. 3398 views
Number 305
Calendar Boys Launch Day
ATV joins the Calendar Boys as they launch their charity calendar in aid of Everyman Men's Cancer 3567 views
Number 311
Ampthill Park Hub Official Opening
ATV joins the Mayor and other dignitaries for the official opening of the Ampthill Park Hub. 3461 views
Number 319
Ampthill Park Christmas Cracker
Ampthill Park has passed Stage 1 for a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. Park Manager Gary Quilter elaborates. 2519 views
Number 320
Chris Hayes discusses Ampthill on 3CR
ATV goes behind the scenes at BBC Three Counties Radio to video his interview with Nick Coffer 4729 views
Number 321
ATV Christmas Outtake Tape
A selection of things that went wrong at ATV during the year plus join us at the ATV Xmas Party. 2849 views
Number 345
- Ampthill Newsweek - Newsflash
Find out who the headline act at AmpRocks 2013 is 2702 views
Number 353
Ampthill Festival Music Stage is ready!
See how they did it in 3 minutes flat... 2849 views
Number 367
Parkside Hall Refurbishment Update
On August 16th, Ampthill TV was given an exclusive peek into how the refurbishment is progressing. 2278 views
Number 401
Maulden Crime Meeting
Following a spate of burglaries in Maulden, residents meet in the Village Hall to discuss what to do. 2842 views
Number 402
Ampthill v Hanwell FA Vase Match
The highlights of the Ampthill v Hanwell 5th round FA Vase match on Saturday 15th February 2014 courtesy of TheColdEnd. 2076 views
Number 408
Ampthill News Update
Catch up with the news around Ampthill as of 17th June 2014 2828 views
Number 411
News Update - The Hide Wine Bar
The Hide, a new wine bar has opened in Woburn Street, Ampthill. Chris Hayes attended the opening night. 4180 views
Number 412
Ampthill By The Sea
Affectionately known as Ampthill by the Sea due to the amount of Ampthillians who visit. An unusual view of where? 2608 views
Number 414
The 'Two Fairies' visit Maulden
The M&S Two Fairies bring festive joy to a family who spent last Christmas reeling from a burglary. 2395 views
Number 416
Ampthill Air Quality
An interview with Central Beds Council regarding the poor air quality in Ampthill and what options the Council has. 2485 views
Number 418
Ampthill Literary Festival Announces
Some of the big names booked for this year's Literary Festival were announced at a book launch on Tuesday 2318 views
Number 419
Close of Play
Robert Daws & Amy Robbins read a chapter of PJ Whiteley's excellent new book, Close of Play 2404 views
Number 420
Treating depression - the Human Givens approach
Mandy Prest talks to Ben Keenan about Human Givens, a more modern method of treating depression. 3004 views
Number 426
Harvard over Ampthill
A 2nd World War Harvard repeatedly strafes Lockheed Martin's factory in Ampthill. 1803 views
Number 435
Treating PTSD using the Human Givens Approach
Mandy Prest talks to Ben Keenan about Human Givens, a more modern method of treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 1855 views
Number 438
The Royal Masonic School for Girls talk to Astronaut Tim Peake on the
The girls at the Royal Masonic School in Rickmansworth talk to Astronaut Tim Peake on the ISS using the old ATV van. 2019 views
Number 442
The Airlander visits Ampthill
Houghton Ruins appear to be an attraction for the Airlander. 1469 views
Number 443
Hoppy Birthday Ampthill Brewhouse!
Ampthill Brewhouse hold their 1st birthday party and launch some new beers. 1651 views
Number 445
Treating Panic - the Human Givens approach
Mandy Prest talks to Ben Keenan about Human Givens, a more modern method of treating panic & anxiety 1526 views
Number 446
Tommy's Footprints interview on 3CR
Steve Hartley talks about Tommy's Footprints to Nick Coffer on BBC 3 Counties Radio. 1667 views
Number 447
Tommy's Footprints
Volunteers paint 707 pairs of footprints in Ampthill Park. Chris Hayes investigates why. 1675 views
Number 448
Tommy's Footsteps Memorial Service
An extra Remembrance Service in Ampthill this year to celebrate Tommy's Footprints. 1670 views
Number 453
The Airlander flies again
The Airlander has been practising landing! Note the addition of two new teeth to protect the cockpit. (Video - P Martin) 2079 views
Number 455
Helping survivors of abuse - The Human Givens Approach
Mandy Prest talks to Ben Keenan about Human Givens, a more modern method of helping survivors of abuse. 1420 views
Number 456
Human Givens - Therapy & Therapists
Mandy Prest talks to Ben Keenan and David Slade about therapy and what to look for in a therapist. 1221 views
Number 458
Micro Museum opens
A Micro Museum has been opened in Ampthill Fireplaces. It contains an Ampthill history timeline and various exhibits. 2230 views
Number 461
Clophill Scarecrow Festival 2017
Clophill Scarecrow Festival is held every September and attracts a large number of entries in three different categories. Amazing innovation! 3814 views
Number 464
Ampthill Armistice 100
Steve Hartley talks to BBC 3 Counties Radio's Nick Koffer about the forthcoming 1st World War armistice celebrations in Ampthill. 2235 views
Number 477
Recovery of a lorry that fell into a field near Houghton House.
A reversing lorry slipped on to its side in a field near to Houghton House, Ampthill. This video shows its downfall and subsequent recovery. 843 views
Number 481
Universal Studios coming to Kempston Hardwick?
Are Universal Studios planning a major theme park at Kempston Hardwick, between Bedford and Stewartby? This video explores the evidence. 958 views
Number 482
Another lorry in trouble near Houghton House
A lorry trying to make room for another to pass got stuck deep in mud and required towing out by a CMG heavy recovery vehicle. 765 views
Number 483
The Great Ampthill Cook-Off
Two amateur 'chefs', always arguing about who was the better chef, came head to head 10 years ago. George Preston and David West (now sadly deceased) cooked and the Queen's Head customers judged. 494 views