The top act of Millsfest 2009 was PopDad. 2393 views
Number 60
St Georges Day Charity Lunch
Outgoing Mayor, Margaret Wilson hosts a St George's Charity Dinner. 2504 views
Number 61
English Country Music Weekend
English Country Music, step dancing, jew's harp, sessions in local pubs 4160 views
Number 62
New Year Fireworks
New Year Fireworks as seen from the top of Ampthill Hill. 2546 views
Number 63
Pentecost in the Park
All the Ampthill churches join together in Ampthill Park on a sizzling Sunday afternoon. 2404 views
Number 64
Lawrence Duckett Birthday Song
The customers of the Queen's Head sing a birthday song to Lawrence Duckett. 2645 views
Number 82
Mayor's Charity Chinese Meal 2009
The outgoing Mayor, Gary Summerfield hosts a Mayor's Charity Chinese Meal in 2009 2289 views
Number 87
White Hart Fire 2001
In July 2001, the White Hart Fire caught fire. 3017 views
Number 143
Redbornstoke Morris
Redbornestoke Morris dance at the Queen's head 2865 views
Number 281
The Funeral of Fran Andel
Fran Andel, tireless inspirational campaigner for preserving Ampthill lost her 22-year fight against cancer on July 10th 2012. 4879 views
Number 282
AS Pub Sports Charity Open Day
A darts & pool competition day with John 'The Legend' Lowe in aid of Keech Cottage 2793 views
Number 285
Zonita Timelapse
A 4 min video showing a day in the life of the new Zonita cinema at Parkside from start up to close down. 2872 views
Number 288
Ossory v Old Sun Charity Soccer Match
A 25 min video covering the opening, the game, the presentation and interviews with the key team members. 2709 views
Number 339
Highlights of Ampthill 2012
A 13 min video showing the highlights of events in Ampthill 2012. 2016 views
Number 394
Parkside Hall Construction Timelapse
See the new Parkside Hall being reconstructed in this six minute time lapse video. 2141 views
Number 395
The Brafront Guizers
The Brafront Guizers present The Upper Brafront-in-the-Hedges Mumming Play in The Queen's Head, Ampthill 1940 views
Number 405
Ampthill Three Legged Race 2013
This year's race is on May 24th. Download your sponsor form from 3LR website. Watch last years race here. 2060 views
Number 407
The Famous Flitton Potato Race
Find out the history then watch the highlights of the 2013 Famous Flitton Potato Race including the split bag incident! 2577 views
Number 409
Ampthill Festival 2014 Preview
A preview of Ampthill Festival 2014, 4th - 6th July. 2630 views
Number 410
Fibre East 2013
Fibre East 2014 is at Redborne School on Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th July. Here is a look at last year's event. 2493 views
Number 415
The Shaving of Russell's Beard
Landlord of The Albion, Russell Fletcher, has his beard and head shaved raising over £6000 for Keech Hospice. 2229 views
Number 433
Duke of Bedford War Memorial Rededication
Replacing the stolen plaques and rededicating the memorial. Interview with the Duke and Dowager Duchess of Bedford and Ian Church. 1975 views
Number 452
An Evening with Bobby George
Champion dart player Bobby George plays 14 local people at a cricket club event at the Parkside Hall. 1547 views
Number 460
A trip around Russell House, Dunstable St in 2012, before demolition.
Russell House started life as a Victorian house. It has been a nursery, a school, a factory and Beds CC media department. It was demolished in 2015. 3137 views
Number 462
The White Hart Fire renovation
The White Hart caught fire on 6th July 2001. Recently discovered video from inside during the renovation by Roger Prest. 2069 views
Number 465
An Evening with Keith Deller Pt1
Champion darts player Keith Deller plays 7 members of Ampthill Cricket Club 1392 views
Number 470
Stewartby Brickworks - end of an era
The remaining four chimneys at the old Stewartby brickworks have been demolished. 1090 views
Number 472
Air Ambulance near Houghton House, Ampthill.
The Magpas air ambulance landed close to Ampthill after a man was kicked in the head by a horse. Luckily it wasn't needed. 625 views
Number 473
Police Camera Action Helicopter
A 1995 helicopter video of police trapping some armed robbers outside what was then Earls Restaurant in Dunstable St, Ampthill. 961 views
Number 478
Affray on Woburn St
On Friday 12th May, a violent affray took place on Woburn Street. Four arrests have been made but police are still appealing for witnesses to come forward. 673 views
Number 484
Hustings at Ampthill Church
All seven candidates in the July 4th 2024 general election meet for hustings at Ampthill Church hosted by the Bishop of Bedford. May help you to decide who to vote for. 1458 views
Number 485
The Flying Nelliebout (Clophill Roundabout)
An interesting video looking at the recent 'improvements' to the Clophill roundabout made by Auto Shenanigans. You can subscribe to their channel on YouTube. 589 views